Minggu, 24 November 2013

Lirik Lagu Asking Alexandria - The Death of Me

Hello sobat, kali ini Dhan Screamo akan berbagi lirik lagu Asking Alexandria bagi sobat yang belum punya lagu nya bisa di download disini. Langsung saja check this out :

The Death of Me

Am I insane?
I ask myself over and over again
Trapped in my brain
Pull it out from the threads in my skull

Am I alone?
Surrounded by shadows
I think I might just be suffocating

The devil came to take me to hell
But I'm already there

Am I insane?
Am I insane?
Am I insane?
The devil came to take me to hell
But I'm already there

I won't let you be the death of me
No I refuse to let you bring me down
Bring me down

I won't let you make me out to be
The one who's in the wrong
And I've lost my mind before
But now I'm back
And I'm better than ever

Am I insane?
I've rolled myself over
And screamed till I spit up blood
Trapped in my brain
The answer has taken my hands to pull my eyeballs out

Am I alone?
The voices who fight in my brain just won't fucking go away

The devil came to take me to hell
But I'm already there

Am I insane?
Am I insane?
Am I insane?

If I had wolves surrounding my bed
I think this might just be the end

Am I insane?
Am I insane?
Am I insane?

The devil came to take me to hell
But I'm already there

You can't take this away from me
You can't release these demons
You can't make this say ok for me
You're the one who caused these feelings

I don't believe
Just for one I'm about to jump
I try to sympathize but at the end of the day
You brought this on yourself

I won't let you be the death of me
No I refuse to let you bring me down
Bring me down

I won't let you make me out to be
The one who's in the wrong
And I've lost my mind before
But now I'm back
And I'm better than ever

Now I'm back
And I'm better than ever

The tears have left the blur
That I can't explain
The pain has left a hole
In which my heart should've been

I'm blind with rage
And I can't shake this feeling
And temperate

I'm blind with rage
And I can't shake this feeling
And temperate

I won't let you be the death of me
I refuse to let you bring me down
Bring me down

I won't let you make me out to be
The one who's in the wrong
And I lost my mind before
But I reckon I'm better than ever

Jumat, 01 November 2013

Program Sederhana Java

Hello sobat, kali ini Dhan Screamo akan berbagi ilmu tentang Program Sederhana Java. Bagi kalian yang masih belum tahu tentang pemrograman pastinya akan bingung dengan program yang rumit, maka dari itu saya akan share tentang Program dasar Java. Software yang di butuhkan hanyalah notepad biasa. Tapi jika sobat ingin yg lebih baik, sebaiknya menggunakan Software Notepad++ atau EditPlus. Sobat yang belum punya software nya bisa di dapatkan disini. Notepad++ atau EditPlus

Setelah kalian memastikan software yang ingin di pakai sudah terinstall, buka lah salah satunya (Contoh nya saya memakai Notepad++). Kalian bisa mulai dengan mengetikkan syntax berikut:

public class Welcome
             public static void main(String[] args) {
             System.out.println("Welcome to Java Programming [Nama] !!!");

Lalu save file tersebut dengan ekstensi .java dan nama file harus sesuai public class (Welcome.java). Untuk lebih jelasnya lihat gambar di bawah ini:

Setelah itu sobat bisa buka Command Prompt (Windows+R), buka lah folder dimana file .java tersebut disimpan. Contoh saya menyimpan file tersebut di D:\Latihan seperti di bawah ini :

Setelah masuk ke folder dimana file tersebut di simpan, ketik Javac [namafile].java atau Javac Welcome.java. Setelah mengetikkan itu maka akan keluar tampilan ini (jika syntax program java benar).

Tapi jika program/syntax nya salah maka akan keluar tampilan seperti ini :

Jika program sobat sudah tidak ada lagi error, lalu ketik Java [Nama File] atau Java Welcome, maka akan keluar tampilan seperti ini :

Cukup mudah kan? Tapi ini hanyalah Program sederhana Java, masih banyak lagi Program yang bisa dibuat dengan kreatifitas sobat sobat sekalian. Sekian posting dari Dhan Screamo, Semoga Bermanfaat bagi kalian yang masih newbie dalam pemrograman ^_^